MTT Critic At Large

Michele the Trainer Tested Tough; Craft Storm Pants

Michele the Trainer Product Review (MTT CAL..Critic at Large!) Michele the Trainer Product Review; Craft Pants, Storm Tights Craft Storm Tights are Michele the Trainer Tested Tough! Do you get cold?  Do you love outdoor sports/hiking/walking/cycling? I donate a lot of stuff.  But have you ever owned a piece of…

DIET SODA is not Food

LIVE YOUR DREAM LIFE, and FUEL it, with Michele the Trainer.  YOU can do it!  I'm talking to you because I KNOW you can do it! DIET SODA is not food, and is not delicious.  Have you ever waterproofed something?  Like a roof? Would you do that to your lungs…

Fighting for Your Life Starts Today

Quoting the lyrics of Iron Maiden's The Clairvoyant, "as soon as you're born you're dying".  I'm sure they weren't the first to notice or say something like that--it was just the first time I noticed.  Cake used similar lyrics more recently. In the news we hear  ---"she/he is fighting for…

Corroding Confidence

I KNOW I got a real live personal response this week from the great James Altucher (I've sent it out to be bronzed) ....when James offers an MBA I'll be his first student: Knowing creates inner confidence. I teach or extract confidence.   I'm the "you can do it" person;…